Search Engine Marketing Diploma


SKU: N/A Category:


SEO & Google Analytics

    1. – Google ranking factors  2024
    2. – Technical SEO Tactics  
    3. – Technical SEO Tools

Keywords: The Foundation of SEO.

    • Why you need a keyword research  plan
    • How to research keywords.
    • Tools to help you analyze keywords.
    • Understanding keyword attributes.
    • Ongoing keyword evaluation

Content Optimization:

    • How Search Engines and People  View Web Pages.
    • Defining your audience, topics,  angle, and style.
    • Optimizing for site structure.
    • Optimizing non-text components  of a web page.
    • On page optimization tips
    • Analyzing content quality.

Link-Earning Strategies:

    • Understanding the importance of  links.
    • Building internal links. 
    • Earning external links.
    • Finding link-Earning opportunities. 
    • Executing a link-Earning strategy.

Measuring SEO Effectiveness:

    • The Google Analytics Interface
    • Lesson 1: Navigating Google Analytics 
    • Lesson 2: Understanding overview reports 
    • Lesson 3: How to share reports
    • Lesson 4: How to set up dashboards & shortcuts 
    • Lesson 5: Audience reports
    • Lesson 6: Acquisition reports 
    • Lesson 7: Behavior reports
    • SEO Plan Process

Google Advertising

  • Google advertising landscape 
  • How to setup your google  account
  • keywords planner
  • Search Engine ads tips 
  • Campaign structure
  • ad group tactics 
  • keywords tactics
  • budget optimization
  • Search Engine ads advanced tips 
  • bidding strategies
  • ad extensions tactics
  • landing page optimization
  • Display advertising tips 
  • YouTube ads tips 
  • Display planner tips
  • App install tips
  • Ads reporting tips and what  are beyond numbers

Digital Brand Strategy

  1. SEO Strategy
  2. Content Planning tactics
  3. Media Planning
  4.   Media Buying tips and tricks  
  5. – Project

Additional information

Online / Offline

Online, Offline


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